On location: Ties

So many different ties. Who gets paid to design ties? Do they get a lot? What purpose do they serve?


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On American Idol

carrie underwood sings mostly modern country-pop, and bo bice sings mostly "raaar! i'm from the south! graaarl" country rock.

whoever wins, we lose.



Dentist's office. I really don't like it. At all. Seriously.


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On Star Wars

okay, so, you might notice some changes around here. the main one being that now we have a little rotaty quote at the top. it's still in development. i can't think of a lot of quotes for it right now. but if you want to see, like, all four or five of them, keep refreshing.

another change is that i set up the blogger mobile thingy so that i can send text messages to the site. you might not see a lot of those. text messages cost money.

also we're set up with audblog. crazy.

so, moving on to Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.

it was actually awesome. george lucas used up all the extra cool points he could have used for episode 1 and 2 and made a great film. it was really dark, yes, and it had some SHOCKING REVELATIONS (YES) and they did the thing that i suggested where they cleared the air about certain parts of the original trilogy. i won't spoil anything. padme dies.

overall, a really good awesome star wars movie. if you've never seen a star wars movie you probably won't understand what's going on. and it's not recommended to watch them in numerical order, because a lot of the fun shocking revelations from the original trilogy will be ruined.

and jar jar doesn't die. i know, i'm sad too. but he doesn't talk either.

i'm glad whoever did his voice didn't get paid.



Testing! Star Wars was awesome.


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Midnight Showings

so this week is pretty much the nerd mecca. and while a week can't represent a place, it's still pretty close.

first off, it's E3, as noted below. fans everywhere are up in arms about their nintendo revolutions, playstation 3s, xbox 360s, and atari 26,000,000s. yes i made that up.

it's also, and this is the big one, STAR WARS WEEK. YEAH. STAR WARS. a time for costumes and lightsabers. a time for rabid merchandizing (merchandising?). a time for real nerds and poser nerds who liked episode 2 to forget their differences for two and a half hours. that's counting previews.

so why am i posting today and not tomorrow? because i'm going to a midnight showing. yeah, i know! total nerddom, right! is nerddom even a word?! who cares! star wars! FOCUS, PEOPLE, I'M TALKING ABOUT STAR WARS.

the end of an era, as it were. or, more specifically, the beginning of a new era of spinoffs. i don't even think jar jar dies in the movie anymore. i think he's just not in it. go team! woo! GO TEAM.

so, uh, in closing, expect another post with my impressions of the movie and stuff. yeah. i'll probably do that.


Planet GameCube News Article: Nintendo Reveals Revolution Features

...The console also will have downloadable access to 20 years of fan-favorite titles originally released for Nintendo® 64, the Super Nintendo Entertainment System® (SNES) and even the Nintendo Entertainment System® (NES)...

...A number of Wi-Fi-enabled launch titles are in development that will employ Nintendo’s newly announced wireless gaming service...

...Smash Bros. Online for Revolution's launch is confirmed...

i think i'm going to faint.


Weezer - Make Believe

i also forgot to mention that Make Believe is out.

go buy it. come on. do it. :(


The Guide - Graduation

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, a wholly remarkable book, has this to say on the subject of Graduation.

Graduation, it explains, is a custom which is practiced in only a small number of planets, particularly due to the usually-excessive nature of the presents which are amassed by friends and family.

For example, the Drabain people from the fifth planet of the Vraxis star system had, at one time, instituted a ritual which was not entirely unlike that of Graduation. At the end of a Drabainian's childhood, it had been said, each family member was required (by law) to donate an entire herd of the third-most vicious creature in all existence: the Vraxite Housefly. Many eons and lost lives later, the Drabain people eventually gave up Graduations altogether as a sign of moving on, instead replacing them with Vraxite Housefly Hunting Sessions.

Unfortunately, it is currently unknown where the concept of Graduation actually originated, yet most cynics tend to point the finger at greeting card companies.

To survive Graduation, the Guide offers a few words of advice.

1. Dress comfortably.

2. Take several deep breaths.

3. Be sure to wear Vraxite Housefly Repellant.

4. Try not to fall down.

5. Don't panic.


The Hitchhiker's Guide to Coachella

coachella was, as expected, pretty awesome.

i know i throw that adjective around a lot, but it truly was. the doves were missed, but the sheer...er...awesomeness of everything else more than made up for it.

The story of this past weekend, the story of its extraordinary consequences, and the story of how these consequences are inextricably intertwined with this remarkable music and arts festival begins very simply.

It begins with a car.

about forty minutes into our trip out to indio, my aunt's car exploded. not literally, of course--we'd both be dead--but it did get fed up with running for so long.

"I've had it," said the car, "you're on your own."

we did eventually get the car to an auto center and got ahold of a brand spanking new rental.

a minivan. how indie scenester is THAT! (very!)

we ended up missing Gratitude, but we did catch the end of Radio 4's set. they were pretty rockin'. or should i say, dance-rockin'! no, i shouldn't.

at this point i want to mention that i was carrying a towel around a lot of the time. not just because of the handy guide reference, but because i needed a thing to sit on, a thing to wipe off my face...i suddenly realized the true genius of douglas adams. towels really ARE that useful.

"I told you so," remarked Douglas, who was still not alive.

after some milling around and looking at some of the art exhibits (there was something about a giant baby and robots, which was either an artistic statement, or some kind of warped version of BattleBots. we missed the robot show. i doubt it would have cleared things up) we went and checked out Eisley. despite some problems with the monitors and stuff, they rocked out. how's that for an adjective!

i tried to take some pictures but only one came out well enough.

(click thumbnail to view)

throughout the duration of the day, we tried to track down any of the members of Eisley for a photo. we missed our chance once, scurrying after her only to find out that she'd disappeared into the crowd of 50,000.

It is a little-known fact that the members of Eisley are holograms.

while we were in-between sets we stumbled upon a giant metal piece of art that was actually an interactive drum.

(click thumbnail to view)

i know, all drums are interactive. but you get the point. a bunch of people with metal drumsticks playing at the same time, and anyone could join in! how awesome of an idea is that! i'm going to buy fifty of them.

the real reason we went to coachella and incurred all these car and hotel fees and all this heat and all these water bottles and all the horrible port-a-johns, however, was to see weezer.

they played for fifty wondrous minutes, touching on songs from three of their five albums.

The audience stood in wonder. "Did he just say THREE out of FIVE?"

yes, yes i did. no pinkerton (insert sad face) and no maladroit (insert somewhat concerned but not really face). also, FIVE from make believe. FIVE.



(click thumbnails to view)

i loved it. i sang. i danced. i took pictures.
i bought a t-shirt.
it has a robot on it.
it combines two of my favorite things.

i wonder how many of you out there know what a tesla coil is. it's apparently something that looks dreadfully evil and dangerous, yet at the same time is completely awesome and mesmerizing. put more simply, it's a twelve-foot-tall metal dealy that makes lightning bolts out of static electricity. or at least the one i saw was.

(click thumbnail to view)

slow shutter speeds rock, you guys. seriously.

i didn't take a lot of pictures on sunday, sadly. the visages of the arcade fire and sloan will not grace this page. however, you MAY recognize this fellow...

(click thumbnail to view)

...although i don't blame you if you don't recognize him, it's a very bad photo, and i'm a very bad photographer. it's danny masterson! you know...hyde! from THAT 70'S SHOW!

"Oh," they replied, and went back to not caring.

well whatever. apparently he's a big sloan fan. or, the band that played before them. i can't remember.

i also spotted some pseudo-celebrities while i was watching the arcade fire. which ones, you may ask?

er, i mean

"Which ones?" they asked, and pretended to listen.

why, the girl that plays Ann on Arrested Development! also, the girl that plays Maeby Funke! ON ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT! TOGETHER!

it was quite the sight to see. it totally threw me off. i didn't get a picture.

in closing, the weekend rocked the house. the proverbial house. the HOUSE OF ROCK.

and that is coachella in a nutshell.


  • give it up for the roots!



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