Poll #1 Results and Lost: The Two Most Anticipated Events of the Year

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so according to the poll results, i should either buy the xbox 360 after its release and after some reviews come out, or i should just avoid it like the blue-screen-of-death plague.

thanks. a. lot.

in about four and a half hours, the season premiere of Lost airs on the west coast. which happens to be the coast that i'm going to be watching it on.

what makes Lost so awesome that i feel the need to actually use a capital letter to begin its name? what makes Lost post-worthy? what makes Lost so special?!

it's because it might be about time travel. or robots. or robot dinosaurs. or aliens. or some possible combination of those.

it's not really that. but, at the same time, it could be that. what makes Lost so special is that it's vague, yet it has a direction and a meaning. twists come out of practically nowhere, yet they make perfect sense in the context of the entire story. mysterious hatch? easy. invisible monster that might be a cloud of dust that tries to eat people by sucking them down into the island itself? sure. a mysterious group of people who already lived on the island before the plane crash that are trying to take the young boy who somehow conjured up a polar bear out of a comic book in spanish that belonged to the big guy that won the lottery with a strange sequence of numbers that happens to be everywhere including on the side of the aforementioned mysterious hatch? totally.

so Lost begins tonight, and we learn what is inside the hatch. is it important? no idea.

but my guess is that it's a robot.


“Poll #1 Results and Lost: The Two Most Anticipated Events of the Year”

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