Moral Dilemma: The Xbox 360

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check out that omega bundle.

for the duration of the xbox's lifespan i've avoided it like the plague. LIKE THE PLAGUE.

sure, they tried to lure me in over the years with their promises of "blinx the time-travelling cat that ended up being a disappointing game but still looked cool at the time" and "shenmue II, which i actually still want to play" and "free gummy bears in every box! X-box, that is!!" i may be making some of those up.

but the new xbox, the xbox 360, is coming out, and i somehow find myself falling victim to the hype machine. it's like, that part in Lost where the guy almost gets eaten by the island. or the monster. whatever!

i am not saying i would spend two thousand dollars to get the omega bundle. that's silly. i don't need every single launch title.

but, i also don't need an xbox 360. why do i want one? it's pretty, that's why.

yes, the xbox 360 is pretty. it's shiny. it's "cash in on the ipod" white. it's four hundred dollars.

four hundred dollars buys a lot of gummy bears.

this is all pretty much a moot point right now because it's set to release in about two months, and i haven't preordered it, and if the rush is anything like gamestop and ebgames and everywhere seems to indicate, they'll be sold out for weeks.

i remember running through best buy to grab the last ps2 and beating out this little kid's family. (we passed him as we left the store and he was crying.) i remember phone calls placed (not really) everywhere within a 30-mile radius when the DS launched. i remember the same about the psp, except that was only about two months ago.

needless to say i've been caught up in the "forgot to preorder" rush before. it's not good. it's like...something not good. i don't know. rabid dogs. there you go.

i've still got some deliberating to do on this subject. preordering wouldn't be so bad if it didn't fall into the price range of a new game (sly cooper 3 takes precedence over a shiny new system any day) and i still don't know if $400 will even be in my posession in two months.

so i'd like to hear your input. or, rather, i'd like to read a chart of your input.

since i can only have one poll running at a time, i'll let this go for about a week and then edit in the results. since the table code for the poll is being a jerkface, i hid it in the little "expand post" link down there. if that doesn't work, the poll is also here.


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